So, the United Nations has now formally passed the U.N. migration pact.  That is, 164 countries have signed up to allow the United Nations to, in effect, run the world.  Not surprisingly, the United States is not one of them.  Simply put, the countries who did not vote for the pact have simply decided not to sacrifice their sovereignty.

Immigration is a very divisive issue, even in this country where Nancy Pelosi says that building a wall to keep out migrants is morally wrong.  Never mind that we already have a border wall along some portions of the U.S. southern border and Nancy Pelosi voted for the funding of those walls. Further, Nancy didn’t mention that many countries already have such walls and she didn’t accuse them of being morally wrong, now did she? Maybe, Nancy should even ask the President of Mexico not to build a wall on its southern border as they have decided to do.  Better yet, maybe she should ask China to allow Muslim immigration from the Middle East instead of genociding the Muslims (Uyghurs) that they already have in their country.  Come to think of it, why shouldn’t Muslim countries in the Middle East (like Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Iran and Saudi Arabia) be required to take care of the Arab immigration problem?

The funny thing is – most of the countries who voted for the pact don’t want immigrants in their own country, only in someone else’s country.  For example, Saudi Arabia doesn’t want to take any responsibility for solving the Palestinian issue.  Not that I blame them, but if Saudi Arabia is not going to be responsible for other Arabs why should the rest of the world?

Of course, there will be political fallout over governments voting for the pact. For example in Belgium, Prime Minister Michel may resign due to a possible “no confidence vote” triggered by his support for the U.N pact.  Likewise in France, a group of military generals have accused President Macron of treason for signing the pact. That’s, in part, what led to the Yellow Vest protest which has now spread to other countries.

One of the arguments that keeps getting repeated over and over again is that there is a humanitarian reason for allowing such immigration. Of course, that’s based on the assumption that others have the wherewithal to finance significant amounts of immigration.  The elephant in the room, though, is that the world is broke. Flat broke, even the industrialized nations.  Even the United States.

Yes, unbeknownst to most, we are broke, our federal budget is seriously in the red and our federal debt has so many zeros in it that most people couldn’t read the number. Globally, there isn’t one country where their money is even worth the paper that it is printed on. The global markets and the world economy are in the process of collapsing and we will soon, therefore, have much bigger problems to worry about than immigration. Buckle up folks, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.


“A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” – Ronald Reagan