America At War


The falsification of history has done more to mislead humans than any single thing known to mankind”. Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Winston Churchill supposedly said that history was written by the victors. I guess Rousseau would have agreed with him. The point is – history contains a lot of fake news.

Let’s take another look at the current left vs. right political conflict which has been characterized by extreme partisan politics. While it’s true that the two diametrically opposed camps don’t like one another (to say the least), you now have one side identifying themselves as The Resistance. Resistance to what, though, I might ask as the two parties are constantly either in or out of power.

Because of the polarization of the respective political positions, a number of commentators have said that it appears that civil war may be inevitable. I believe that statement may be true, although woefully incomplete. Here’s why.

I think that it would be more appropriate to view the American Revolution as a defining moment in world history that represented the triumph of the individual over the state (and over the people and institutions that control the affairs of states). However, with the founding of the American republic, the real war was only just beginning. As can be seen from the 2016 election results, people hate losing power.

Accordingly, I would argue that after the War of Independence had been won, the Republic has been constantly under attack ever since. Some of the significant events in American history need to be revisited and looked at through the prism of America At War. For example, here’s a short list:

  • The War of 1812
  • The American Civil War
  • The Act of 1871
  • Founding of the Federal Reserve System in 1913
  • The White House Coup of 1933
  • Establishment of American intelligence operations (the CIA) under the leadership of former Nazis.
  • Establishment of the American space program (NASA) under the leadership of former Nazis.
  • The assassination of four sitting U. S. presidents

Today, the battlefield of partisan politics has moved to some strange arenas like the football field and The Emmys. On college campuses, many students are against free speech and feel that violence in support of their own agenda is permissible because it constitutes self-defense. The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations of 2011 proved that sometimes demonstrators don’t even know what they are demonstrating for. They protested against the rich who they labeled as the 1% but what they didn’t realize is that the most of the super-wealthy people in America are on the left, starting with the likes of Google, Amazon and Facebook. Further, Millennials oppose capitalism but it’s not the system that’s really at fault, but the people (including Wall Street) who run the system. Accordingly, the American system should be more appropriately labeled fascism rather than capitalism.

Now, today, we have Carol J. Baker M.D., an infectious disease expert, who said that an overwhelming majority of people who refuse to take vaccines are white people, and a good way to resolve the problem of people refusing to take vaccines is to simply “get rid of all the whites in the United States”. Of course, Dr. Baker herself is white. Given that kind of mindset and the great divide between the factions, a civil war is perhaps inevitable…but it’s been over 200 years in the making. Regardless, America is already at war.


History is a pack of lies we play on the dead.”Voltaire



In a world full of racism, a curious thing is happening. One particular race is calling for the extinction of its own race. How can that be?

The race in question is the “white race.” Of course, there is no such thing as a white race, only white people. By that, I mean that white people belong to the Caucasian race, as do Jews, Arabs and many Hispanics. However, I digress.

Everything today is seen through the narrow, dimly-lit prism of race. The thing is – all races discriminate. All. In a recent study in England for example, one-third of the “white” population said that even they had been discriminated against. Further, the Japanese, who are generally wonderful people, discriminate against anyone who is not Japanese. They have a word for all foreigners, gaijin. It’s a derogatory term the way that it is often used. I should know as I lived there for a couple of years.

So, why are white people calling for the extermination of their own race. It’s simple, really. These people are the “elites” who want to rule the world and other white people are a threat to their power. This conflict between white people has been going on since the time of Cain and Abel (which I’ve written about previously). Fake race wars like we have today have very little to do with social justice. It’s simply a means to a political end, a tool to divide and conquer.

However, if some people have their way, the white race might some day disappear altogether.  In that case, I can just see the last white boy standing complaining about racism and the lack of social justice. It would be only fitting.


“Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other’s welfare, social justice can never be attained.”  – Helen Keller